Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Ashina Castle Gate.Close to the Idol there is a "Rat" you can kill to obtain the Herb Catalogue Scrap.Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Ashina Castle Fortress.Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Underbridge Valley.At this point you should be able to obtain the First Prayer Necklace.Defeat Mini-boss: General Tenzen Yamauchi.Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Bamboo Thicket Slope.Defeat Mini-boss: Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen.Now that you have three Prosthetic Tools, the Sculptor will give you the Prosthetic Esoteric Text.

Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Estate Path.Buy the Floating Passage Text for 5 Treasure Carp Scales.Buy the Mask Fragment: Right for 7 Treasure Carp Scales.Buy the Withered Red Gourd for 2 Treasure Carp Scales.Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Dragonspring - Hirata Estate.Only use them when you want to continue the npcs storylines. Give it to her and Emma will give you a Dragon's Blood Droplet to cure the afflicted npcs.Emma will ask you to obtain a Dragonrot Blood Sample form a Dragonrot-afflicted.At this point, if you have not been killed, die somewhere to begin the dragonroot process.Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Outskirts Wall - Stairway.Pay him 20 sen to obtain the Flame Barrel Memo.Pay him 10 sen to obtain information about Hirata Estate.Buy the Robert's Firecrackers for 500 sen.Now that you'll have at least one skill point, talk to the Sculptor to receive Shinobi Esoteric Text.Defeat Mini-boss: General Naomori Kawarada.Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Outskirts Wall - Gate Path.Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Ashina Outskirts.Rest at the Sculptor's Idol: Dilapidated Temple.